XSecurePro - Secure X-Server for Windows
What is in XSecurePro
XSecurePro is an integrated and powerful 32-bit software tool consisting of the following functional parts:
Telnet_S virtual terminal emulator
Telnet_S is a communications and terminal emulation program for logging into a remote machine and executing commands on a remote machine. It allows you to connect to and communicate with hosts that support:
- the Telnet protocol and run a Telnet service over an insecure channel
- the Secure Shell protocol, SSH, and run a SSH service to provide strong authentication and secure encrypted communications between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network. X11 connections and arbitrary TCP/IP ports can also be forwarded over the secure channel. TCP forwarding features make it possible to communicate across a firewall.
While you are using Telnet_S, you can:
- initiate and control remote login sessions in the Telnet or SSH modes
- set some options for particular implementations of Telnet_S
- change fonts of text displayed in the Telnet_S window
- select a terminal emulation mode in the Telnet_S session.
The Telnet_S program can emulate XTERM, AT386, ANSI, VT52, VT100, VT125, VT220 and VT240 terminals for character-mode applications. Advanced users can edit the terminal capabilities description file to suit to the special environment.
By using the Keyboard Mapping option (i.e., keymap editor invoking), you can load, change (re-define keys and create a new keyboard layout), and save any keyboard definition file.
ARPANET standard File Transfer Protocol (FTP) user interface
The FTP program is a client implementation of the File Transfer Protocol. It allows you to transfer both text and binary files between your PC and a remote computer running the server implementation of FTP. By using the FTP program, you can:
- set up parameters and modes for operations
- make/change a directory on your PC (local) or FTP server
- remove local/remote directory
- view file lists in a remote directory
- transfer (copy/rename/delete) selected local/remote files
- append files to the remote machine.
While you are connected, you can perform a number of tasks (commands) on the FTP server, using various server options.
DARPA standard Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) user interface
TFTP program allows you to transfer both text and binary files between your PC and a remote computer running the server implementation of TFTP.
LPR remote printing program
LPR is a network printing program that allows access to printers attached to remote computers on your network. The computers must support the Berkeley Line Printer protocol. You can enter data required to get access to a remote printer (choose a target printer), specify job options (number of copies, titles and banner pages, file type) and print one or several files residing on your PC, view print jobs in the queue and remove jobs from the queue.
LPD - Network Print Server
LPD is a Network Print Server (daemon) that allows access to printers (accessible at your computer) across a TCP/IP network. The remote computers must have the LPR program that supports the Berkeley Line Printer protocol.
While using LPD, you can:
- change the Printer list and printer parameters (add/remove a network printer, change settings of network printers)
- enable or disable printing of files from remote hosts
- specify the list of users which can print files on your networked printers.
The Ping program
You can test that the TCP/IP transport is installed and configured correctly by using the Ping utility. While running, Ping sends a sequence of data packets to the host with the time interval specified. When the connection between your PC and the host exists, the PC will receive a response after every packet sent. If Ping finds the host or IP address, it will return the appropriate message.
Startup is a program for automating host access with using the REXEC, RSH, or RLOGIN protocol. By using the Startup program, you can:
- enter one or more commands in a single line and execute them on a host
- run a local startup file (with a sequence of executable commands on a host)
- create/save/select/remove/open/execute startup jobs.
Startup job is a task with a certain set of parameters (start method, login information, command line, settings). You can create a job (i.e. store current parameters under a certain name). A job may be launched by clicking on its icon.
Network File System Server
The NFS-Server is a network file server that supports the NFS protocol version 3. It has a multi-threaded code developed for the Win32 environment and is designed to work with the built-in MS Windows TCP/IP-32 protocol stack.
The main feature of the NFS-Server utility is to provide access to hard disk space and files residing on your PC to users working on other network nodes under different operating systems (with NFS client support and TCP/IP).
The NFS-Server can be installed on any MS Windows 2000/2003/XP/VISTA workstation to share your local drives and folders with other networked users, no matter which operating system they are running on their workstations. Only a NFS Client is required on the system for users to mount your disks as part of their system.
Network File System Client
The NFS Client is a program running under the MS Windows operating system in order to mount one or more shared network resources from one or more NFS Servers and to share access to files and directories with other PCs and UNIX users across the network. A shared network resource is any folder that the administrator makes available to be mounted and its subdirectories.
The NFS Client does not turn your PC into a fully qualified file server. Instead, it allows a simple access to folders and files for a limited number of systems on the network.
NFS Client has a multi-threaded code developed for the Win32 environment and is designed to work with the built-in MS Windows TCP/IP-32 protocol stack.
The NFS Client can be installed on any MS Windows 2000/2003/XP/VISTA workstation to enable your workstation to benefit from the networks NFS-Server services. With the help of the NFS Client, you can mount disks and folders from the network, no matter which operating system they reside on , and make them as part of your familiar local desktop environment.
The X-Server is a program that emulates the X terminal on your PC. XSecurePro's X-Server is the X-Server implementation of the X11 R6 release of the X Window System. The X-Server can run one or more X Window based client applications (X clients) that are resident on a host computer. The host can be any computer that supports the X protocol. X client applications can be displayed in individual windows, or as multiple windows contained in a single X-Server's window, or in a full-screen mode outside the Microsoft Windows graphical environment. The first two methods include functions to copy and paste data between X clients and the Microsoft Windows clipboard.
You can simultaneously run several X-sessions each with its own settings.
The X-Server can work on multi-monitors PCs. It supports various X Extensions (GLX for OpenGL, LBX, XAPPGROUP etc.).
Font server
You may use your familiar host based X fonts via XSecurePro's X Font Server. Fonts installed on your system can be used by any graphical X Window System application. The Font Server is started automatically with your graphical environment, and all fonts installed on your system are automatically available to all of your X Window System applications. Applications request character
information from the Font Server, which can return data in various formats, ensuring high quality display of a variety of font styles and sizes. The Font Server provides rasterized fonts with outline data to all X applications. It also provides a wide range of local X fonts (standard font sets supplied by MIT along with X11 R6), Font Compiler to compile Microsoft Windows fonts, and
Microsoft Windows fonts support in X-sessions.
LBX (Low Bandwidth X for slow connections)
Low Bandwidth X (LBX) is a network-transparent protocol for running X Window System applications over transport channels whose bandwidth and latency are significantly worse than that used in local area net works.
The design center for LBX is to use a proxy as an intermediary between the client and server, so that the low bandwidth/high latency communication occurs between the proxy and server. The proxy reencodes and compresses requests, events, replies and errors, as well as the resulting data stream to reduce the volume of data that must be sent over the wire. Additionally, the proxy can cache information from the server to provide low-latency replies to clients. This reply generation by the proxy is known as short-circuiting. A proxy can handle multiple clients for a given server, but does not prevent clients from connecting directly to the server. The design allows the proxy to multiplex multiple clients into a single data stream to the server.
LBX employs several different compression and short-circuiting methods. Use of these methods is negotiable, and in some cases, the algorithm used by a given method is negotiable as well. LBX also provides for negotiation of extensions to LBX.
Keyboard Definitions
XSecurePro has 34 keyboard definition files allowing you to use one of the 30 international PC keyboards. Each of them corresponds to the country your keyboard was designed for.
Your Keyboard Definition file has the .KMF extension. It resides in the XSecurePro's configuration files directory (in the location you specified when installing XSecurePro).
The basic purpose of a keyboard file is to assign PC keys to generate specific keysyms. A keysym is a key code that corresponds to a specific symbol supported by the X protocol.
A Keyboard Definition file is an ASCII source file that defines what key sequence is sent to a client when you press a given key on your PC's keyboard (i.e., keyboard mapping).
You can customize a keyboard by one of two ways:
- by modifying a selected (on installation) keyboard file;
- by choosing the userkbd.kmf keyboard file and then editing it.
The Keyboard Mapping option of XSecurePro's Telnet allows you to modify keyboard definition files.
These are some of the things you can do:
- Make any key on your keyboard send any supported X keysym to the host.
- Make use of extra keys on non-standard keyboards to send special keysyms to the host or to a client.
X11 Development Kit
The New X11 development kit allows you to port any existing X-Windows applications from any Unix or Linux system to the Microsoft Windows environment.